How many of you in relationships have been perfectly happy, life is beautiful, as is your relationship? You just feel good Then, out of left field, your partner gets angry at you for something and having a conversation about it is out of the question because he’s either yelling about it or he’s withdrawn and being as cold as he can manage to be, making sure you know they are being cold. And as soon as the happens, no matter how happy you were minutes before then, your heart feels like someone is squeezing it with a strong fist, your anxiety level ratchets up, you’re suddenly miserable. You may choose to fight until both of you retreat to separate couches, solving nothing, or you may decide to lick your wounds in separate parts of the house. But didn’t you even look down at your chest and wonder how your heart can feel pain that quickly, and how that pain is just devastating. You might do what you know you have to do as far as your obligations, but the entire time you’re miserable. Then, after the blowup where both of you get it all out and some, not in a...

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I know. That seems obvious to anyone who is awake. Hold on there. Think about it. When was the last time you complimented your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife? Girlfriends compliment each other regularly, a lot. That’s part of being a girlfriend. People in other relationships, not so much. When was the last time your partner complimented you? I began thinking about this at the end of my “Tuesdays with grandchildren day” today. Every Tuesday I load up the car and take the youngest grandchildren to the movies or swimming or on a picnic, something to put some grandmother memories into them. As they get older, grandchildren have better things to do than hang out with grandma, especially once they have a drivers license. Fortunately I’ve had a steady stream of young grandchildren for the past twenty-five years so I’ve had the pleasure of seeing a lot of cartoon movies. This afternoon a little voice piped up from the back seat, “Oma, do you know you’re pretty?” Nine year old Logan was either looking for an ice cream before being delivered back home or he’s a natural and he’ll do well in relationships, probably the former but it did make...

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“you deserve flowers on your doorstep and coffee in the morning you deserve notes left on your dashboard and ice cream sundaes at 3am you deserve honesty every day and to be kissed every hour you deserve to be reminded how beautiful you are” --anonymous Came across this and thought about all of the couples I’ve worked with who did these things for each other when they first met and fell in love. This period is called the “honeymoon” period or the “infatuation” period and doesn’t have to go away. It generally goes away when a baby arrives or shortly after or the couple has been married longer than two years even without children or there’s some sort of family crisis, illness or death in the family or there’s financial hardship. Every event in the list above is stressful. And these are the times when one or both of the partners begins to believe the other doesn’t love them or loves them but isn’t interested in what’s going on with them or says they’re interested but never comes up with any ideas for something fun to do or works late and doesn’t help out much at home and so on....

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